Halloween USED to be one of my favorite days many many many years ago. I have not celebrated this “event” for the past 8 years ever since I learned the true meaning behind this satanic day. When you know better you do better! The only person I intend to be is the best version of myself! #RealTalk101
Many celebrate Halloween for fun and because it is a tradition just as I USED to do. I don’t knock anyone for doing what they choose to do but I am going to school you on what I learned. The purpose of dressing up is being something that you are not. The devil wants you to lose your identity. When you don’t know your identity you will not fulfill your destiny. One may say, it is only one day but by celebrating Halloween you are sacrificing yourself to the enemy. On this day curses are being pronounced. Rituals and curses are being spoken over the candy that is being given out. Lastly, there is power in what we say...the words “trick or treat” literally gives the person who is handing out the goods the option to present a “trick” or “treat”. Friends, this message may be too deep for some and others may have something to say but I share this message with love! 💞 Be safe and have an awesome day! For the Bible says, “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.” ~Hosea 4:6 NIV #Knowledge #IAMAChildOfGod #IAMSpirutuallyFabulous #SpirituallyFabulous For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous
Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...We all want to be successful. We all would love to have the finances to do and buy whatever our heart desired at any given time. There is nothing wrong with being profitable and wealthy. The problem occurs when you “love money”...making it your god and putting it before God. Money does not buy happiness (quick fix) and will not take your problems away. When you die, you cannot take your money with you. Friends, money and luxury is not fulfilling...only Jesus can fill that missing void.
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” ~1 Timothy 6:10 For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous Good Morning! If you are watching this video...God blessed you with another day of life here on planet Earth. On this beautiful day keep in mind...no matter what you are going “through” Jesus is on your side!
Repeat: I got that V-I-C-T-O-R-Y I got no reason to fear I got Jesus on my side I got that Jesus Video Cred: Future Focus Media Song: Anthony Brown “I Got That” Event: 4th Annual Summer Gospel Fest For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous Sunday Food For Your Soul...The best place to be is in the Presence of God, especially when you are going through. In God’s Presence there is hope. In God’s Presence there is peace. In God’s Presence there is strength. In God’s Presence there is comfort. In God’s Presence there is restoration. Friends, there comes a time when you must pursue the things of God and desire to be in His Presence to reap the blessings of God. #Press
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 3:14 For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...My identity does not come from the world. I may have strayed away for some time but I still belonged to the Most High and that is why He kept me covered in the midst of my mess, in the midst of dark times, and when I WAS lost in the world. I always knew that I was different even when I was out there. The funny thing is I was always hated on and now it’s evident why...because “I AM” cut from a different cloth. “I AM” one of God’s chosen vessels. Friends...people, places, and things do not validate who you are. God is The Alpha & The Omega...He holds the power and will set you in position! Jesus is the plug! 🔌 “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” ~Romans 8:31 #BeHimble #JesusIsThePlug #TeamJesus #SundayMorningFoodForYourSoul #SpirituallyFabulous For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous Death: the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism. Friends, if you are breathing...you still have a chance to live!
Life is too short. Chase your dreams. Concur your fears. Level up. Live your best life now! #Life #Live #LevelUp For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous “We Are Not Called Just To Say, We Are Called to Display!” ~Ephesians 3:1-11
Pastor William McDowell Deeper Fellowship Church, Orlando, Florida •The chief benefit of prayer is intimacy with God •The place of intimacy with God is where secrets are revealed •The higher calling and privileges of the church is to reveal and display the mysteries of God •The church is supposed to be different than the world •We are not just to say what God is doing...we are to display what He is doing •Proverbs 25:2 •God reveals to those who search •Deuteronomy 29:29 •We are responsible for revelation •We are not allowed to ignore revelation •Isaiah 55:8-9 •Amos 3:7 •1 Peter 1:9-12 •2 Peter 1:20 •Luke 24:44-49 •In order for us to understand we need The Helper (The Holy Spirit) •John 16:5-15 •It is the Holy Spirit job to convict the world of sin not you •One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to reveal the future •1 Corinthians 2:1-16 •There is a reason why God keeps secrets •God sent the Holy Spirit because He wants us to know God by His Holy Spirit has not just raised up prophets but prophetic people •God desires phonetic people not just prophets •A prophetic people are a people with the innate and inherit ability to see beyond the natural, in order to demonstrate by thought, word and deed the plans of God in the earth •A prophetic has a responsibility •Prophets display the mystery of God...prophetic people reveal and display mysteries •It’s not enough for us just to say it, you must display it •There is a specific mystery that we are called to display •Ephesians 2:11-18 •The mystery of His grace is the mystery of God’s unity because of what grace provides •It’s not enough just to say it...you must display it •God gave the church the unique responsibility to display unity because the world cannot...they do not have the ability •Revival is being met with resistance •The enemy uses division to break down revival •1 Samuel 30 •People don’t let the Bible conform their thought process, they let the media conform it •2 Chronicle 18 •If your allegiance to something is above your allegiance to God then you have an idol •We obey the laws of the land but their is a Higher Law •There are two specific foundations we must follow How do we display: -John 13:34-35 -1 John 4:18-21 •God intends on using the church to shame the devil For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous |
Good read, good vibes, and some spiritual nourishment to empower, inspire, uplift, and to touch the hearts, minds, and souls of others.
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