No one is perfect BUT we do have a perfect God! Friends, If you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior...invite Him into your life today so He can wash you clean. Repeat these words: Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior, who gave his life for my sins. I entrust my life to you. Please come into my life and help me live a life that pleases you. Amen. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." ~2 Corinthians 5:17 At His Feet, ~Spiritually Fabulous
Inspirational Quote of the Day..."If you are feeling like you can't cope...reading The Bible will give you hope." ~Spiritually Fabulous "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope." ~Romans 15:4 Spoken Word by: Ezekiel Azonwu
This piece is a touchy subject BUT it is real talk! *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* Friends, There is ministry in all of us...we are a chosen generation! God is utilizing His people uniquely to minister to the world, creatively spreading the Word. For The Bible says, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. ~Timothy 4:2 At His Feet, ~Spiritually Fabulous Stop seeking attention from people and seek God! He is the one that will allow you to shine, promote you, bless you, and foremost instill joy in your hearts; joy of His Precious Holy Spirit. This world has nothing good to offer you...all eternal blessings comes from The Lord! Friends, please be mindful that we reside in this world BUT we are not to be of this world! For The Bible Says, "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." ~John 17:16 At His Feet ~Spiritually Fabulous This world has nothing to offer you...Jesus does! God does all the blessing, anointing, and appointing so as you diligently seek Him...He will lead you to a path of righteousness. The Bible says, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." ~Romans 12:2 His Blessings, ~Spiritually Fabulous Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...Jesus is the RESURRECTION and the LIFE, He got up with all power in His hands! Friends, whoever believes that Jesus has RESURRECTED and BELIEVES in Him SHALL LIVE! "Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life." ~John 5:24 At His Feet, ~Spiritually Fabulous Friends, In acknowledgement of Good Friday meditate on this verse for today..."But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ~Romans 5:8 Thank you Jesus for dying for me so that I can LIVE for you! Have a blessed day in The Lord everyone!!!! At His Feet, ~Spiritually Fabulous Friday, April 3rd - Bishop Anthony Dickerson...Command Your Morning Prayerline Message: ¥When someone speaks against you say, "I do not receive that, I reverse it in the name of Jesus!" ¥Say, "I command the boomerang effect!" ¥A demon can rest in an unbeliever but a demon cannot dwell in a true Christian. ¥If you are saved and say Jesus lives inside of you, Jesus will not share a house with the devil. ¥You can invite Jesus to live in your house, invite Him into your heart. ¥You got to sweep your house clean, which is through the Word of God. ¥Once God has set you free...stay free! ¥Stay pure by seeking God's face and seeking His Word! ¥Let God do a spring cleaning in your life! Matthew 12:43-45 Matthew 8:31 Colossians 1:20 1 John 4:4 Matthew 12:44 2 Peter 2:20-21 Thank you Lord for giving me the power to tread on serpents and reverse any curse that anyone tries to speak on my life. I acknowledge that I am blessed, highly favored, a true Christian, and foremost a child of the Most High! I continuously thank you everyday for raising me up to complete your Will for my life! In Jesus name. Amen. His Blessings, ~Spiritually Fabulous One Hour of Power Prayerline...Host: Prophet Robert Scott (Tues. & Thurs.) 5:30AM -6:30AM / 712-432-8399 Access Code: 397797. ¥There are crisis that are teaching moments, it is not the wrath of God ¥It is not about us, it is about God ¥God can change our perspective ¥Luke 4 ¥Leviticus 25 -Release ¥The year of release is when you owe something and you don't have to pay it ¥When Jubilee is here it is the year of release ¥This is the year of financial release ¥Champions always confront their mistakes ¥Where there is no struggle there is no progress ¥The process of deliverance starts off with confrontation then control. ¥Their is another level which is the conquering level, it doesn't mean that you won't see it again ¥The Fire is necessary ¥It is the enemies job to put out your fire ¥People who don't believe in your dreams try to blow out your fire ¥Your fire cannot be blown out because your fire is set in place May God continue to bless Prophet Robert Scott and his ministry. For the short period of time that I have been a faithful participant of this prayerline it has made way for the blessings of God. To God be all the glory and I thank Him for allowing me to stumble upon this prayerline. Lord thank you for The Fire that you have instilled inside of me that no one has the power to put out. Lord thank you for The Fire that is necessary on a daily basis and foremost needed for my dreams, visions, my purpose, my assignment, and my destiny. I love you Lord, I desire Your Fire! In Jesus name. Amen. At His Feet, ~Spiritually Fabulous Command Your Morning Prayerline...Host: Bishop Anthony Dickerson 605-475-4000 Access Code: 513756 (7 Days a Week) 5:00AM -5:30AM. ¥Some people are walking around with spiritual foolishness, listening to their conscious instead of listening to the voice of God ¥Some of you don't know the voice of God, the enemy can disguise himself ¥The Bible says, My sheep knows my voice ¥The true spiritual walk is a practical walk ¥Gal 5:19; 21 ¥Some of you your biggest problem is not the devil it is yourself ¥You must be delivered from you ¥The role of the devil is to make you think wrong ¥When you begin to do wrong the enemy becomes the instigator ¥You need to have a disciplined mind Friends, this prayerline has been a blessing to me for two years now. May God continue to bless Bishop Anthony Dickerson as he continues to be obedient to God being the overseer of this awesome ministry to encourage, empower, and deliver God's people. Lord thank you for helping me to be Kingdom minded and having your precious Holy Spirit guide me daily. In Jesus name. Amen. At His Feet, ~Spiritually Fabulous |
Good read, good vibes, and some spiritual nourishment to empower, inspire, uplift, and to touch the hearts, minds, and souls of others.
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