Normal: conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. 🤪
What is normal? Who is normal? What is normal when we were all created different!?!? What is considered normal when we are all different beings!?!? This world would be boring if we were all the same! What makes us all different is because we are unique in our own ways. Your race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, religious belief, occupation, marital status, income level, etc does not define you! Abnormal = Normal Irregular = Regular Different = Common Unusual = Ordinary What may seem normal to one may be unusual to another. On the flip side...opposites attract! Pre-order a copy of my fabulous book today and be blessed! His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous
I*D*E*N*T*I*F*Y ✨
My Business Card: What I bring to the table My Logo: What I uniquely posses My Trademark: Beautiful encounters What you bring to the table holds weight and has the power to make major moves. What you uniquely posses is what defines you, separates you from others, but at the same time is a blessing to others. Beautiful encounters opens doors to countless blessings, longstanding relationships, and continued success. Who are you? Do you have a business card? Do you have a logo? Has it been trademarked? Let’s go! #TakeActionTuesday Pre-order a copy of my book today and be blessed! For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous This is my day!
This is my week! This is my month! This is my year! This is my season! This is my now! Because my expectations are from God! “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.” ~Psalm 62:5 Pre-order a copy of my book today! #SpirituallyFabulousSoulFood #RecipesForTheSoul #MotivationalMonday For His Glory, ~SpirituallyFabulous Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...Beloved, becoming the woman or man who God called you to be will cost you family, friends, and not to mention material things. Being the Queen or King who God called you to be will cause you to be the best you. Being who God intended you to be will give you the ability and power to reign and live your best life now! Are you ready to walk in the Will of God? Are you ready to walk in your calling?
“For many are called, but few are chosen.” ~Matthew 22:14 For His Glory ~SpirituallyFabulous Any day can be your day 1!
Nothing has to start on a specific day. You have to start in order to finish. In order to finish you must first start. Start. Finish. Ready. Set. Go. Let’s Go! For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous I smile because my dreams have become reality! ✨2019 is not about staying relevant. This year is about making an impact, legacy moves, bossing up, and leveling up. Anything that you do in this season should be intentional for the betterment of your life and others...not for just for likes! Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that came to pass. He was a believer! He believed in God and believed in his dream. He did not give up on his dream. Have you started working towards accomplishing your aspirations and dreams? Beloved, you must start in order to finish. You will never experience more by accepting less. Stop blaming and complaining...start making necessary moves! Keep pushing forward! Let’s go!
Pre-order a copy of my book today! In reverence of the dream, life, and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the first (15) orders will receive a FREE SPECIAL GIFT with their shipment. My book will be released in February. For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...In order to begin a new chapter the old one has to end! Life is full of challenges, changes, and choices. Life is also filled with so much character. There comes a time in your life when your heart has to say goodbye to some people and some things. People may fail you but God will never let you down. Stop allowing things to stand in the way and come between you and your relationship with God. Stop blocking your blessings! He will pick up all your pieces and put you back together. Things are so much better His way! The first step is trusting Him and establishing an effective relationship with Him. Beloved, God is infinite! God is love! God is the Defender of your heart. He will fight your battles. Let Him mend your brokenness, your hurt, and your pain. Be reintroduced to God’s unfailing love. Start a new chapter walking in the Will of God! Say “Hallelujah” if you are ready for a shift! 🙌🏽
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” ~1 Chronicles 16:34 For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous A woman who walks by faith and not by sight is the greatest threat to the status quo! ~Spiritually Fabulous ✨
Beloved, believing is seeing! You must first believe! Once you have faith in God and faith in yourself anything is possible! You have the power to create and do anything that you set your mind to do! It is time for you to step into your destiny! Put your best foot forward...let’s go! “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.” ~Joshua 1:3 *Pre-order a copy of my book today! This book will encourage you to live a purposeful & fruitful life! For His Glory, ~Spiritually Fabulous Sunday Food For Your Soul...If you want to see change this year you must do something different. When I wanted to excel in my life I had to take the necessary steps to make it happen. The first step was surrendering to the Will of God and building an effective relationship with Him. I also started tapping into God’s Word. I had to be delivered from bad habits. I had to disconnect myself from some folks. I had to surround myself around people who pushed and poured into me. I went back to school. I consistently placed myself in places where I was being empowered. I had to safeguard myself and set boundaries. Beloved, this season will require a sacrifice! To see different you must do different! Be the change the change that you want to see! Let’s go!
“I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.” ~Ephesians 3:16-17 For His Glory, ~SpirituallyFabulous Live✨Love✨Laugh
Good read, good vibes, and some spiritual nourishment to empower, inspire, uplift, and to touch the hearts, minds, and souls of others.
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