Laughter is Good for The Soul! Save the date...More info to follow!
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." ~Proverbs 17:22 With Love in Christ, ~Spiritually Fabulous
Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...Every season of your life has a profound reason. There comes a time in your life when you will have to leave people ashore to seek your destiny and go after what God has for you. Your destiny will require sacrifice...most importantly alone time with you and God. Friends, where God is trying to take you everyone cannot go.
"Now may the God of peace...equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” ~Hebrews 13:20-21 With Love in Christ, ~Spiritually Fabulous Thank you Lord....TGIF!
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” ~Psalms 118:24 #TGIF #SpirituallyFabulous💙 In His Service, ~Spiritually Fabulous When your navigation system misleads you or doesn't connect effectively God is still faithful and will guide you in the right direction. There are no hiccups with God's "GPS" System...get connected! #TeamJesus #GPS
"For with God nothing shall be impossible." ~Luke 1:37 With Love in Christ, ~Spiritually Fabulous Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...God did not create you to live your life that way. What way?...the way that you are living outside of His Will! Stop allowing the things and the noise of the world prevent you from hearing the voice of God. Friends, the things of this world are a distraction and will lead you to destruction. God's path will lead you to your destiny. Get connected!
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." ~Romans 12:2 With Love in Christ, ~Spiritually Fabulous Sunday Morning Food For Your Soul...Know God for yourself. There is a difference between being informed of Him or about Him than having that personal relationship with Him...knowing God for yourself. Friends, to know God is to love God. “We love because he first loved us.” ~1 John 4:19
With Love In Christ, ~Spiritually Fabulous |
Good read, good vibes, and some spiritual nourishment to empower, inspire, uplift, and to touch the hearts, minds, and souls of others.
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